
2003 Miss Raleigh

NCDI Dancers Perform at the
2003 Miss Raleigh Pageant
February 15, 2003

North Carolina Dance Institute dancers kicked off the show with style, energy, and excitement at the 2003 Miss Raleigh Pageant held February 15 at the Wakefield High School auditorium. The first act opened with choreography to "I'm Alive" that culminated into the introduction of the contestants. The second act featured a stage loaded with dancers of all ages jamming to "Dancing in the Street". Enjoy the videos!

"I'm Alive" opening act video

10.6MB Windows Media Video 256kbps

"Dancing in the Street" video

7.3MB Windows Media Video 256kbps
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North Carolina Dance Institute Dancers
Asha Jones Jennifer Menge Christie Funderburke Charlotte Hurt
Hillary Scofield Fallon D'Eliseo Dorothy Parker Kelly Bryant
Kat Carter Emily Nicolas Brooke English Bree Branker
Jennifer Rowell Bethany Smartwood Megan Millen Olivia Barnes
Lauren Wingard Kathleen Barnes Adrian Tennant Kayla Martin
Courtney Crumpler Brie Howard Nicole Cesari Satonye Manuel
Gracie Peter Taylor Morris Victoria Phillips Kasey Howe
Victoria Czewski Jennifer Johnson Jordyn Wingard  
Kirstie Tice
Asha Jones and Christie Funderburke